Seven Keys to Wellness

Wellness Paradigm exists to shift obsolete narratives about health and healing. Loving ourselves, learning how to care for ourselves, spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally is essential to wellness. We have created a space where we aim to root you in your well-being by providing a safe, natural way to heal.

It is known that stress is a leading cause of illness and disease. Every experience in life is stressful. It does not matter whether our encounters in life are pleasant or un- pleasant, it creates stress in our bodies. Wellness Paradigm will guide you to learn how to open yourself to good stress (eustress) rather than bad stress (distress) lessening the harm that it does to the body, mind and spirit.

The following seven keys will encourage you to revise your own paradigm of wellness.

01 Good Nutrition

Consume herbs, live food and pure water along with supplements; with alkaline and/or distilled water is optimal.

02 Regular Exercise

The newest studies have shown that as little as five minutes of walking breaks, thirty to sixty minutes, will keep our blood sugar and blood pressure in balance.

03 Breathwork

It is as easy as counting to six for inhalation— hold for six seconds—exhale for six seconds; do this six times. Meditation-prayer; set inner time to talk and to listen

04 Healthy Boundaries

Be yourself everywhere. Eliminate betraying yourself because its uncomfortable to share your truth.

05 Therapeutic Massage

Non-sexual touch is important for health. An infant dies in the first months of life if they are not touched—we are all those baby’s in need of healthy touch.

06 Colon Hydrotherapy

Also known as colonics, a gentle method of internally cleansing the colon. The colon houses your immune system and is your body’s garbage can. Keep the garbage can empty!

07 Affirmations

Everything that comes out of your mouth is an affirmation. Affirm positive and loving intentions that will create the world you are ready to receive.